The following 2 functions are planned to raise funds for The Leukaemia Foundation under the banner Celebrating Milestones….
- RAFFLE NIGHT at West Peak hotel on Friday, 15th November from – all profits will be donated to The Leukaemia Foundation.
- The Mt. Beauty Neighbourhood Centre will conduct a MORNING TEA on 27th November from 10.30am. This will be a light-hearted event with participants being given ‘goodie bags’ which are being filled with generous donations from local businesses. The tickets for this are $30 with $5 from each ticket being donated to the Leukaemia Foundation. For catering purposes, bookings for this event are essential – Neighbourhood Centre – 5754 1166
If you are unable to attend either of these events, donations can be made directly to the Leukaemia Foundation into the following account:
Account Name: The Leukaemia Foundation BSB: 082 057 Account Number: 85 616 4475 Reference: 3326990 (please deposit before 6/12/19)