Annual Membership
The association is in recess as of the 2024 AGM when insufficient support was shown to continue the Association.
1. Household — $10.00
2. Business/Organisation — $15.00
The UKVCA financial year is the 12 months from September to August. The Annual General Meeting is held in September and any member of the community is invited to attend the AGM.
Click Membership Application Form to download, print it out (if necessary) and fill in your details. Note: The Microsoft Word file can be filled in on the computer and then emailed as an attachment to the membership secretary <>
If you wish to pay by direct deposit, please remember to put your name into the reference part of the transaction.
Our bank details are:
- BSB: 633 000
- Account No: 156980120
- Account Name: UKV Community Association Inc.
Membership forms are also available at the Mt. Beauty Hardware & Drapery Store, in Hollonds Street, Mt. Beauty. Simply fill out the form and leave the fee and form in an envelope with the staff there. These are collected by the Secretary or Treasurer on a regular basis.
Note — If you are not already a subscriber to the UKVCAs News Bulletins fill in your email details (right-hand side of this page) and click on ‘Subscribe’. You will be sent a confirmation email and you must reply to that to complete the subscription.